Hello and welcome to the latest includem newsletter.
In this newsletter, you will find information about some of the major projects and activities that includem is involved with and hopefully, this provides some real insight into some of the amazing work we do and how our services are continuing to develop. Perhaps as much as anything it is worth reflecting on what drives us to learn and develop and why we continue to do what we do.
Take Movement Restriction Conditions for young people for example, we previously carried out ISMS work and achieved some great results, sadly there was no funding to take this forward. However, when the Scottish Government asked us to look at MRC’s we didn’t hesitate, but why? The Care and Justice Bill in Scotland extends the circumstances in which a MCR can be imposed. In this case includem amplifies the voices of the young people and families as well as provides a plan to give this the best chance of success. In regard to ADAPT includem is working with local and central government and statutory bodies to identify gaps in the justice system and test solutions.
Again, why? Includem sees an opportunity to make life better for children, young people, families and communities by engaging, learning and applying. Slightly different is our engagement in the Promise work. Beth-Anne Logan brings a vast amount of expertise and experience to the organisation and will recruit and lead a team to support local authorities in transforming the way care is delivered in Scotland. Again, improving life chances for children, young people and families in Scotland as well as learning.
Our BRAVE project in Stirling works with young people to address immediate and underlying reasons for drug and alcohol misuse enabling them to transform their lives. Different from what we would normally think of as “core” but again helping young people improve their lives and their life chances.
Finally, includem Response. This perhaps sums up best what we are about. When all else fails, when there is no where else for people to turn the includem response team will be there. Highly trained, flexible and committed, this is a unique service delivered when and where young people need it most. Includem puts the needs of children, young people and families at the heart of what we do. We don’t see them as difficult to reach, vulnerable or problematic. We build relationships, we engage, we learn and we deliver.
Nelson Mandela said: “Let us reach out to the children. Let us do whatever we can to support their fight to raise above their pain and suffering.” Includem believes in that!