includem’s Multiple Risk Programme – part of Glasgow City Youth Health Service

Includem has over 22 years of experience delivering relationship-based, trauma-informed support to children, young people and families across Scotland who are facing difficulties in their lives. This support is community-based, delivered at times of need (24/7, 365 days a year) and is evidence-based.
Following a competitive tender, includem was appointed provider of the Multiple Risk Programme as part of Greater Glasgow’s Youth Health Service (YHS) with the service commencing in July 2021. Young people, aged 12 to 19, can be referred to the YHS from a variety of sources including their GP, school and family or they can self-refer. The YHS then ‘triages’ the young person according to need and if appropriate they can access the Multiple Risk Programme, delivered by includem’s Multiple Risk Workers. Other triage options include YHS nurses and counsellors.
Service Delivery
The Multiple Risk Programme is delivered in nine locations across Glasgow; Drumchapel, Easterhouse, Gorbals, Govan, Maryhill, Pollok, Possilpark, Shettleston and Springburn. Although this spread covers much of the city, includem is aware that there are barriers that prevent young people from being able to attend appointment-based services. These barriers can include poverty, disability, territorialism and poor mental wellbeing. Includem therefore offer ‘outreach’ support to young people (and their families) with the primary outcome of this outreach being the young person being able to attend the venue to access the appropriate support.
In venues, young people are helped to identify issues and underlying causes that are contributing to their risky and often unsafe behaviours whilst taking into consideration that a level of risk-taking is completely ‘normal’ and healthy. From the data we’ve gathered over the last 12 months, the most common reasons for referral include alcohol and drug misuse, vaping, risk of offending and non-engagement in education/employment. These behaviours are addressed in a focused manner by using includem’s ‘A Better Life’ toolkit.