Meet the Team
Here is just a few members of the includem team:

Chief Executive Team
Includem’s Chief Executive Team are a crucial cog in the includem machine. They oversee the day to day running of the charity, everything from managing our services to looking after our staff, to managing our finances and developing new ways to support young people and families.

Our Board
Includem’s Board of Trustees has a very important role to play. They provide the overall governance for the charity, making sure includem meets its legal obligations and delivers the highest possible quality of service in accordance with out charitable purpose. In other words – they make sure we are doing our job right.
Our Trustees come from lots of different professional backgrounds, each with different skills, knowledge and experience. We are lucky to have them!

Our Partners
Local Authorities
- Aberdeen City Council
- Dundee City Council
- East Dunbartonshire Council
- Falkirk Council
- Fife Council
- Glasgow City Council
- Stirling Council
- South Lanarkshire Council
- West Dunbartonshire Council
Funding partners –
- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
- The Scottish Government
- Cashback for Communities (Scottish Government)
- Glasgow City Council (Glasgow Community Fund)
- Corra Foundation
- RS MacDonald
- Dunlossit & Islay Community Trust
- Inspiring Scotland
- UK Government
Other support –
- Vital Hike
- Matter of Focus
- Macarthur Green
- McKinney HR
- Pilotlight
- Rockpool
- Integrity IT
- Strathclyde University
- Terasaki Electrics
- The Tartan Army
- Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust
- Strathclyde University Christmas Appeal
Members of – organisations we are members of
- The Poverty Alliance
- CharityComms
- Stirling Enterprise
- Forth Valley Chamber
- Together
- Children in Scotland
- Living Wage Scotland
- Glasgow Living Wage
- Turning Point
- Chartered Institute of Fundraising
- CPG on Poverty
- CPG on Wellbeing Economy
- CPG on Children and Young People
- CPG on Men who commit Violence Against Women and Children
- CPG on Care Leavers
- CPG on Mental Health
- Scottish Mentoring Network
- End Child Poverty Network (UK)
- End Child Poverty Network Scotland
Forums & Networks – We Are Members of
- Write Right About Me (Aberdeen)
Supporting – includem supports: