Over the past three years includem’s Adapt for Cashback project helped 162 children and young people turn their lives around.
Includem worked with West Dunbartonshire Council and Police Scotland providing help and support to divert children and young people away from the justice system.
Through tailored individual support and group work, the includem team offered alternatives and encouraged more positive choices for 10–15-year-olds who were at risk of offending.
The project was funded through an £807,000 grant from the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities programme which takes funds seized from the proceeds of crime under the proceeds of crime laws and reinvests into projects to support children and young people.
‘West Dunbartonshire Integrated Children’s Services Plan has identified a need to provide more support to vulnerable children, young people and families to divert them from the youth justice system. We are delighted with how the project was received by the community and with what the project achieved over its lifetime. – particularly as it was delivered though COVID-19 restrictions. It was great to be able to see the impact of the project through the feedback we have received. Adapt for Cashback has made a huge difference to the outlook for the children, young people and families it has supported in West Dunbartonshire,’ said includem’s Chief Executive, Martin Dorchester.
One parent who was supported through the Adapt for Cashback project said:
‘Before includem came along I was screaming out for help, and no one listened. I feel heard now, includem has been worth its weight in gold,’ with another adding, ‘Just having that number in my phone that I know I can go to has made the world of difference.’
Picture of the ADAPT for Cashback team in 2022.