Includem successfully worked with the Care Directorate and Health Improvement Scotland to help develop a new Bairns’ Hoose approach to supporting young people who have been victims of, or witnesses to, violent behaviour.
Based on the pioneering Icelandic ‘Barnahus’ model (Child’s House) the project aims to improve services to this vulnerable group, it will bring all services together in one place to support children and young people through what is currently a complex support system to tell their story.
As part of the development process, includem worked alongside 10 children and young people for five months to help develop the national standards for Bairns’ Hoose. Each child and young person involved in the process was paid the living wage for their time and contributions.
Lynsey Smith, includem’s Director of Services said,
‘We fundamentally agree that children and young people who are victims or are witnesses to abuse must be protected and supported to recover from their experience. Their right to child-friendly justice, recovery, participation and healthcare must be upheld by all professionals who work with them and their families,’.
‘A proven way of achieving this is through a Bairns’ Hoose type model so we were delighted to be able to contribute to its development. The feedback and the ideas we uncovered from the children and young people we worked with will be instrumental in shaping the final project.’
The Scottish Government aims to ensure that all eligible children in Scotland will have access to a Bairns’ Hoose by 2025.