Includem Response is a new service that is set to deliver one-to-one support to vulnerable children and young people wherever they are in the country.

The team who are geographically spread across Scotland, can tailor their response and support in a way that works best for the child or young person as well as their parent/carer and referral partners.

Tracey Stewart, Head of Services: Programmes and Projects who oversees includem Response said:

Previously we have used individual one-off contracts to support individual children and young people within local authorities, the big difference with this new service is that we will physically embed a team member in the young person’s hometown to give support.

‘For instance, if The Highland Council needs to intensively support a young person in Invergordon, then a member of the includem Response team will work in Invergordon for as long as the support is needed. If that young person requires support every day, then includem have the resources available to assign two members of staff to provide support.’

‘This flexibility means that we will be able to offer our early intervention support as soon it is required, acting before a child or young person reaches crisis.’

Currently, the teams are based in Glasgow, Fife and Angus with plans for more staff to be recruited across the country as the team expands.

The project has already attracted attention from local authorities includem have not previously supported.

We are not aware of any other organisation working in young people and family support that offers such a comprehensive, committed and flexible service.

‘Includem Response really is moving up to the next level of what we can offer local authorities in the way we can support their most vulnerable children and young people,’ added Tracey.

For more information on includem Response click here or contact Stewart Philp at