An innovative restorative practice project involving young people and a supermarket is just one of the innovative projects highlighted through the research conducted by includem’s ADAPT programme.

Includem were awarded funding to run ADAPT from the Scottish Government’s Whole Family Wellbeing Fund to look at ways of addressing gaps in the youth justice system.

This project will look at creative solutions to identify gaps in the way within the youth justice system operates. We created initial plans by speaking to all the stakeholders across the country involved in youth justice, such as the police, local authorities and third sector organisations to establish where gaps could be identified and once identified where we apply pilots to learn and feedback on any learning to the Scottish Government.  This is a transformational way of working. We design pilots based on our research and apply the Scottish approach to service design. Once we deliver, we can learn and adapt how we work to improve the lives of our Young People and their families across Scotland,’ said ADAPT Project Manager, Emma Morrow.

Working with the local authority and supermarket is set to be launched in the Lothians.

‘We hope over the long term we will help Young People identified to meet with the staff to have a two-way dialogue to help improve relationships and understanding’ said Emma.

To date, Includem has scoped nine pilots through ADAPT across the country.

Other areas of work ADAPT is looking at includes working on improving Structured Deferred Sentences and options for an alternative ‘place of safety’. Structured Deferred Sentencing is a programme that addresses offending behaviour and promotes social inclusion for young people ages 16-21 who have been involved in offending. The programme lasts from the time a young person is convicted of an offence and is decided by a Sheriff.

‘Not all scoping will result in pilots however learning will be gained for each one and that will lead to long-term improvement in the way the youth justice system operates,’ added Emma.

To find out more about includem’s ADAPT project get in touch with Emma at