includem are truly unique in the 24/7 support we provide.
We know that life isn’t limited to Monday – Friday, 9-5. That’s why we offer support, 24/7, 365 days a year. We visit children, young people and families at the times and places that suit them and their needs. If getting up and ready for school is a challenge for a child, we’ll be there every school day at 8am if we need to. If Saturday nights are when a young person often feels lonely or tempted to go out and get involved in risky behaviour, then that’s when we plan to do something fun together. If a parent or carer needs a sympathetic ear and some advice, then includem staff will come round for an afternoon cup of tea and a blether. We do what’s right for them.

24/7 Helpline
Are you a child, young person, parent or carer?
If you feel you need to talk to someone for immediate support, please call our 24/7 helpline.
The helpline is free to call from both mobile phones and landlines.
We have two helpline numbers – one for our services in the West of Scotland, and one for our services in the East.
Your includem workers should have given you a helpline card when we first started working with you, to tell you which number to call. But don’t worry if you have lost it or don’t know which number to call! You can phone either number and someone will be able to help you.

Being flexible and responsive is how we make sure includem provides the best possible service, not only in how we respond to the changing needs of children, young people and families but how we respond to the needs of our local authority and statutory partners.
We know that for some children, young people and families in crisis, getting the extra support that they need is time-critical. That’s why, from the moment a child or young person is identified as someone who could benefit from our support, we work quickly and closely with the referring agency to ensure help is provided as soon as possible. We also know that a child, young person or family’s circumstances can change, often quickly and without warning. We provide a responsive service, adapting our approach and delivery according to their needs.