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Thu Jul 29| News

includem joins WEAll

Includem are delighted to announce our membership of WeAll – a collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements, and individuals working towards a wellbeing economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance is a 10-year project that aims to catalyse systems change toward the realisation of a Wellbeing Economy. They do this by linking and coordinating activity at all levels of the Wellbeing Economy movement, to create a critical mass of people and organisations working toward a common vision.

Commenting on includem’s membership, Martin Dorchester, Chief Executive said:

“A Wellbeing Economy is one where all citizens are treated with dignity and respect and have equal access to the services and benefits provided by the community within which they live.

“Access to opportunities should be available to everyone irrespective of their background and upbringing. Each individual should be able to reach their potential and live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life feeling that they contribute to the world around them. Where the individual thrives so does the world and community around them.

“Includem is committed to ensuring that the lived experiences of those who face the most barriers to citizen participation and who are often most detrimentally affected by government policies, such as the two child limit on child payment, are at the heart of discussions and decisions about a wellbeing economy.”

Click here to find out more about WEAll Scotland

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