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Tue Dec 10| News Press Release

Christmas Comes Early for includem with £5,000 donation from the Card Factory Community Fund

Scottish Charity includem, who supports children, young people and families across Scotland are delighted to have received £5,000 from the Card Factory Community Fund as part of their Young Person’s Fund Christmas Appeal.

The Young Person’s Fund was established by the charity to provide that extra bit of support to the children, young people and families they support, many of whom are affected by poverty.

This year the charity is on a mission to give the gift of Christmas to all those they support, raising vital funds to ensure that for everyone they support, from the children and young people to their wider families, the only worry they have this festive period is how to spend the day together.

Commenting on the donation from the Card Factory, Martin Dorchester, Chief Executive of includem said:

“On behalf of everyone at includem and those we support; I would like to thank the Card Factory for their very generous donation.

 “This significant gesture will help us in our mission to support the 500+ families across the country and to make sure they receive the gift of Christmas.

 “Thanks to the Card Factory, we can ensure the children and young people we support will be provided with a gift to wake up to this Christmas.

 “We strongly encourage everyone to help us in our mission and to donate at”

Pushpinder Gill from the Card Factory Foundation added:

 “We are delighted to award includem this £5,000 donation through the Card Factory Foundation’s Local Community Fund. This fund was created to support local charities and communities across the UK and ROI, and includem’s mission to provide extra support to children, young people, and families aligns with our values.

“We are delighted to award includem this £5,000 donation through the Card Factory Foundation’s Local Community Fund. This fund was created to support local charities and communities across the UK and ROI, and includem’s mission to provide extra support to children, young people, and families aligns with our values.

What makes this donation even more special is that includem was nominated by local colleagues at Card Factory PLC in Scotland. It’s a wonderful example of how they can play a role in helping us identify and support meaningful causes within their own communities. We’re proud to be part of this effort to bring joy and ease to families this Christmas.”

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