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Thu Aug 31| News Projects

ConnectED – a new includem project with East Dunbartonshire Council

We are excited to announce the launch of ConnectED in East Dunbartonshire. This new two-year project aims to support young people throughout the area to achieve positive outcomes.

ConnectED will see includem team members hit the streets of East Dunbartonshire to engage directly with young people in their communities and identify hotspots to help improve their skills and confidence and for those who are at risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour. The project will work with other organisations and partners within the area.

Our colleagues – such as Abi and Alison pictured below – will be recognisable through their includem blue hoodies.

The project is funded through the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund via the Glasgow City Region and East Dunbartonshire Council and is voluntary for young people to engage with. A Project Steering Group, including East Dunbartonshire Council Youth Services, Police Scotland and Community Safety, was established to help oversee and support the project.

Commenting on the launch of the project, Martin Dorchester, Chief Executive of includem said:

“We are delighted to be partnering with East Dunbartonshire Council and our fellow Project Steering Group partners on our new ConnectEd project.

 “Together, we will be working to keep young people safe, building meaningful relationships which support their development personally, emotionally and socially and, where we can, to deter young people from becoming involved in anti-social behaviour.

 “If you see a member of our team out and about in your area, please do say hello!”

Leader of East Dunbartonshire Council, Gordan Low added:

“This partnership with includem enables us to expand the youth work service we currently provide across the area and reach out to young people in their communities. The combination of experience includem bringing together our local knowledge and that of our local partners, means we can work together to connect with young people and support them in whatever way we need.”



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