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We believe that all children and young people should have a voice. Behind every child or young person we work with there is a story, which they are best placed to tell. They might not have decided the beginning, or the middle, but they can re-write the ending.

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Thu Oct 24| Policy & Public Affairs Blog

Family Finances & Support Needs Research

We’re launching our latest research: Family Finances & Support Needs to find out how we can support families in the current economic crisis and amplify their voices with key decision-makers.


We’ve put together the below information for the young people and families we support but if you have any other questions, please speak to your worker.

At includem we do lots of different things to try and make things better for children, young people and families.

We do this by working with you and supporting you with things that you feel need to get better.

We also do this by telling people who make decisions about things like benefits, education, and healthcare what needs to change. For example, Members of the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government and local authorities.

We find out what needs to change from YOU and your experiences.

The more we know, the better we can make recommendations for change and put pressure on those people responsible for big decisions in Scotland and the UK.

We know that things have been tough for families financially, and this is not their fault! We would like to hear from you, and your family, what financial challenges for your education, your health, and how you live your life.

This is not because we want to judge you, or anyone you know. We are asking so that we can speak to decision-makers and tell them what YOU are going through.

We know that managing money can be really stressful for families!

We have put together a survey to hear from you. A survey is a list of questions. The survey is anonymous which means we won’t know who you are. We hope this helps you to be open about your experiences.

From the responses we get we will write a report and make recommendations for change. This report will be completed in January 2025.

We will share this report with you and your families before we share it with anyone else. We will also ask our Youth Advisory Group to have a look at the report before we share it.

Once you have seen it, we will present the report to MSPs, Local Authorities, other organisations we work with, and anyone who might help us make changes. The report will also be available on our website.

We will also make a special edition of URSPACE to talk about the research and what you and others have told us and what our next steps are.

Complete the survey here.

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