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Tue Nov 28| News Policy & Public Affairs

includem Calls on the Scottish Government to End Child Poverty

Includem has joined over 150 organisations from the third sector, community groups, academics, trade unions and faith groups in an open letter to the First Minister of Scotland, urging Humza Yousaf MSP to ensure his first Budget includes significant investment across government to tackle child poverty.

As a first step, the organisations call on the First Minister to increase the Scottish Child Payment to £30 per week – a commitment the First Minister made during the leadership campaign earlier this year.

We also urge the First Minister to double down on the investment the Scottish Government is already making by ensuring the forthcoming Budget resources the further action needed to increase progress.

“Only by taking these steps, coupled with the use of the Scottish government’s wider powers, can our shared vision of a Scotland free of child poverty be realised.”

You can read the open letter here.

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