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includem donates to local charities during Covid-19 crisis


Includem has donated £500 each to 10 voluntary and charitable groups around the country to help see them through the Covid-19 emergency, so they can continue to deliver essential services to young people and families in need.

The impact of coronavirus on young people and families in Scotland will be immeasurable. At this time more than any, we value the holistic support we can provide to young people and families through partner organisations within the communities where we work. As we move beyond the immediate crisis, our communities will need support to pick up the pieces – it is essential that local community resources will still be running.

That’s why we asked our 10 service delivery teams from across Scotland to nominate a local organisation to receive a £500 donation from includem reserves.

“Many charitable groups who rely on fundraising activates for their main income are really struggling at the moment due to the restrictions placed on people’s movements, and their capacity to apply for some of the bigger funds will be hampered. This does not mean the vital services they provide in their local communities are no longer needed. In many cases, due to the current insecure employment situation, these services are required more than ever,” said includem chief executive, Martin Dorchester.

These are organisations that we work alongside every day and realise how much value they can add giving a young person the best possible start and helping to improve their life chances. We are determined to help them through this current situation if we possibly can,” said Martin.

Organisations that received a £500 donation are:

Michaela Collins from PEEK said, “Thank you so, so much for this generous donation. It is warmly welcomed in such an uncertain time. It will go towards making healthy meals for some of our city’s most vulnerable children, young people and families.”

Liz Quin from Autism Rocks Fife added, “As a charity who does not receive any kind of external funding for the services, we provide to now over 1980 families from all over Fife living with Autism, this generosity means so much to us.”

“These are tough times for charities, and I would urge people not to forget the often-vital work that goes on behind the scenes and consider helping out with their time or a donation if they can,” added Martin.

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