News & Stories

We believe that all children and young people should have a voice. Behind every child or young person we work with there is a story, which they are best placed to tell. They might not have decided the beginning, or the middle, but they can re-write the ending.

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Wed Jun 15| News

Includem to launch new Keeping Connected Service

We are delighted to announce that from the 1st August 2022 we will be launching a brand new Keeping Connected service in association with Fife Council’s Our Minds Matter.

Keeping Connected will work across the seven localities in Fife to provide bespoke mentoring to children and young people experiencing distress. We will work to support the development of their confidence, resilience and engagement within the community to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

More information on the service will be announced closer to the launch date.

We are currently recruiting various roles for our new service:

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