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includem welcomes reports from Independent Care Review


As we mark Care Day 2020, includem reflects and considers what the implications are for Scotland’s most vulnerable children and families following on from the Independent Care Review that heard the voices of over 5,500 people. What is clear is the need for us to consider the wellbeing and happiness of our young people currently experiencing care as well as what this review means for the future of care in Scotland.

The Independent Care Review is a powerful example of truly listening to people when they share their stories, experiences and views. What happens next needs to blend together policy and legislative change, practice development and improvement, workforce development and cultural change. Individually none of these elements are straightforward to improve so blending them collectively is a significant challenge.

As an organisation currently working to support children and families, many who are within the care system, it is painful to hear that not all children grow up loved, safe and respected. The findings of the Care Review reports pose many challenges for our sector, encouraging all of us to embark on some serious self-reflection, whilst not losing sight of what is being done well.

It is clearly an opportunity to refocus the direction of travel: by having our young people truly being listened to and at the centre of meaningful decision making that affects their lives for the rest of their lives. Supporting, nurturing and investing in a workforce that has genuine regard for young people and their families will provide the scaffolding and strong foundations for stronger families and communities that will nurture children and young people.

The Care Review has provided a commitment to Scotland’s children, an invitation to everyone to make things better for all children and a platform from where to start. Includem will listen to the views expressed within the Review and most importantly act on what needs to change in the way we all work to ensure that in future all children grow up safe and respected so they can realise their full potential.

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