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Thu Nov 24| News Policy & Public Affairs

It is Not a Choice!

Includem’s Report into the Impact of the Cost-of-Living Crisis on the Families we Support


Today, includem publishes an executive summary of the findings of our Cost-of-Living Report – ahead of the release of the full Report in early December. Through trusted includem workers, we asked children, young people and families we support how often they struggled with essentials necessary for survival, the basics for quality of life or having enough for a safety net. Respondents represent 20% of the families we support.

“I’m tired of struggling and worrying about heating and having enough food. I am sad that I can’t give my child some of the things she asks for.” 

The research shows that for the families includem support it is not only a crisis – it is a calamity! 

71% reported struggling at least half the time to meet the costs of two or more essentials, which includes rent, food, heat and other goods like toiletries. It paints a stark picture – not just of escalating destitution, but of a lack of protection for children’s fundamental human rights.

The proportion of families with worse finances, debt and mental and physical health in the last six months has increased since this survey was last conducted in 2020 – when families were facing the height of Covid-19.

“I am now on anti-depressants and sleeping tablets due to my worries about caring for my kids. I have lost a lot of weight as I chose to feed my kids over myself all too often.”

We raise the alarm of a well-being crisis and echo the hopes and aspirations of the families we support who call for radically different thinking by decision-makers who deliver for the well-being of all families.

Read the executive summary here.


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