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We believe that all children and young people should have a voice. Behind every child or young person we work with there is a story, which they are best placed to tell. They might not have decided the beginning, or the middle, but they can re-write the ending.

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Wed Oct 27| News Projects

National Childhood Bereavement: Timeline of Support Engagement

For too long death has been treated as an ‘adult’ issue with children and young people mostly excluded from the conversation. Our project wants to change this by having those with lived experiences of childhood bereavement in the driving seat to shape what future support looks and feels like.

Put simply, our coproduced ‘Timeline of Support’ is the main vehicle to achieve this ambition.

It is designed to create the space for those with lived experience to share their journey through grief in a way that is comfortable to them, exploring what is working, what is not and what they would like to see changed. These conversations will be central in helping the project report back to the Scottish Government how we, as a nation, can better support all future bereaved children and young people.

It is a right that the voices of all infants, children, young people and young adults are meaningfully heard in the matters that affect them. These sessions are a platform to amplify your voice and to help you create the kind of change that you want to see.

There are two types of people that we would like to hear from and to take part in our important work:

  • People with lived experience
    • By this we mean any person who has experienced grief or bereavement under the age of 26.
  • Supporting adults
    • By this we mean any adult with a role in supporting a young person, this goes beyond parents or carers to also include people like teachers, charity workers and the wider community.

The Timeline of Support session packs will be available to request until the 10th December 2021.

You can request a session pack here.

Once we have received your request, we will be in touch with you to arrange a time to chat about how you can complete the Timeline of Support sessions in the form most comfortable to you.

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