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Thu Mar 23| Policy & Public Affairs News

Not Enough!

Today’s publication of the most recent poverty statistics shows that 24% of children still live in relative poverty. A shocking 34% of children in families with more than two children live in poverty, a 2% increase from 2017-2020. The UK Government must scrap the two-child limit now. The Scottish Government must also use its powers to mitigate the impact on Scottish families.


All children should be able to access their essential needs to food, a warm home or education. Today’s figures make clear that we are yet to tackle the fundamental barrier to making children’s rights real in Scotland.

To meet its UNCRC obligations, the UK and Scottish Governments must take action to eliminate poverty. Current actions are not enough. They must invest in family well-being, ensure incomes and social security reflect the reality of the cost of living, make debts manageable and provide homes for all families.

We welcome the introduction and the recent doubling of the Scottish Child Payment, but it is not enough. Analysis by IPPR Scotland, an independent think tank, concluded that for the Scottish Child Payment to continue to have an impact amidst the rising cost-of-living it will need to rise to at least £40 by 2026.

Meg Thomas, Head of Research, Policy & Participation, commented:

The children, young people and families we support know first-hand the impact poverty has on their lives. They told us that they regularly feel shame and stigma, they are increasingly unable to provide the essentials for life and this is affecting their physical and mental health.

“We know that those who experience poverty are more likely to come into care, be excluded from education and come into conflict with the law. Daily, our teams are building trusting relationships, providing practical support to overcome structural barriers and advocating on behalf of families to realise their rights.

“This is not enough!

“There needs to be political will to end child poverty now. For every year it takes, it is another year of lost childhood for one in every four of Scotland’s children.”

Changes to social security are not enough. True change requires action to deliver a #WellbeingEconomy where all children and young people can live with dignity and achieve #ABetterLife

Find out more about our #NeedsNow campaign here. Read our latest report – It Is Not A Choice! – here.


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