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River City tour helps point Glasgow young people on the right path


A tour around the BBC River City studios proved inspirational for a group of young people we are working with in Glasgow.

Twelve young people from all over the city ended up in the studio after a chance comment from one fan led to a free guided tour around the soap’s Dumbarton set.

“We are always looking for ways to get to know what the young people we support like, and what they are likely to engage with as a way of helping them get through whatever their particular challenges are. So, when the chance of the tour came up everyone jumped at it,” said our West Services Manager, Heather Hunter.

“A lot of the young people we work with come from backgrounds that would not normally give them a chance to experience something like this, so the visit was a big deal for them. Lack of confidence and self-esteem tend to be big challenges for individuals we support. Anything that we can do that’s out the ordinary that can help make them feel more positive about themselves is welcome.

“The tour put a lot of smiles on faces, particularly for those that watch the show regularly, but everyone took something away from the visit, it really helped them come out of their shell,” added Heather.

One of the group from the city’s southside, said: “I was excited about the tour and loved seeing the seeing the pub, café and shop and my favourite part was seeing where Scarlet lived as she’s my favourite in the show. I had a good day.”

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