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Mon Aug 30| News Policy & Public Affairs

The benefits of a restorative approach

Between June and August 2021, includem welcomed Maria Chalkou to the organisation. Maria joined us to complete a work placement as part of their MSc Applied Criminology and Forensic Psychology degree programme at Edinburgh Napier University.

During the placement, Maria carried out a research project on includem’s application of restorative practices, culminating in the report: ‘I’m a good person. I like to be good’: The benefits of a restorative approach in the charitable sector. The case of includem.

The final report contains a literature review on the benefits of restorative justice and restorative practices in different settings and reflections on how includem uses restorative practices in its day-to-day work supporting children, young people, and families across Scotland to transform their lives.

You can read the full report here

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