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We believe that all children and young people should have a voice. Behind every child or young person we work with there is a story, which they are best placed to tell. They might not have decided the beginning, or the middle, but they can re-write the ending.

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Tue Apr 6| News Blog

The Virtual KiltWalk 2021: Say hello to #teamincludem

In 2011 we set up the Young Person’s Fund to provide extra support to the children and young people we work with – many of whom are affected by poverty and don’t always have access to things that many of us take granted. Over the years, our Young Person’s Fund has enabled children and young people to access activities and facilities in their local communities, as well as providing emergency support.

Last year, our Poverty report found the following:

  • 49% of the families we surveyed struggled to put food on the table on a regular basis
  • Almost half of the families we surveyed reported regular issues in affording accessing the internet.
  • Over half of the families we surveyed have regular issues paying for heating.
  • 63% of the families struggle to cover transport costs.

To help us continue to make a difference, a group of colleagues from across the organisation – #teamincludem – have signed up to take part in the Virtual KiltWalk to raise funds for our Young Person’s Fund.

Taking place from the 23rd to the 25th April, each colleague has set themselves their own challenge to take on (including 10 to 30mile walks, cycling, the highland fling, half marathons and more).

Each penny our colleagues raise will also be topped up 50% by The Hunter Foundation!

Will you help support our colleagues?

You can donate to our colleagues and find out more about their challenges at  and here. (Keep an eye out on our page as more of our colleagues sign up!).

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