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We’ve joined the Living Wage community


We’re proud to announce that includem has recently achieved Living Wage accreditation, joining a growing list of more than 5000 companies and organisations across the UK.

All employers will be expected to comply with National Living Wage (NLW) legislation by 2020. But includem is going above and beyond any basic statutory commitment by signing up to the Living Wage Foundation’s higher rate of pay which is £9 an hour – 79p an hour higher than the government-set National Living Wage.

“Our staff are at the heart of what we do, without them we would not be able to provide the support and guidance to young people across the country that is so vital in helping them make better life choices and improve their future prospects. Making sure they are properly rewarded for their work is simple common sense,” said our chief executive, Martin Dorchester.

“Research shows that paying a real Living Wage can enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism and improve staff morale, there is no downside.”

Peter Kelly, director of The Poverty Alliance added: “With over half of children in poverty in Scotland living in a household where someone works, paying a real Living Wage is now more important than ever.”

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