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Tue Nov 2| News

Reflection on the National Care Service Consultation

Since the launch of the consultation into the Scottish Government’s proposal of a National Care Service for Scotland, includem Senior Managers and Executive Team have spent the last few weeks attending various consultation events including from CELCIS, GCVS, Children in Scotland, CCPS and of course from the Scottish Government.

Includem recognises that the current system does not work for the children, young people and families we support. We understand and support the need for reform.

Reform that must be designed and implemented from a children’s and human rights-based approach ensuring the voices of Scottish children and young people are heard and responded to, ensuring The Promise is kept and building on the incorporation of the UNCRC (and proposed Scottish Government/Scottish Green Party Human Rights Bill).

It is our shared opinion with other partners and membership organisations across the Children’s Sector that the new National Care Service for Scotland must be relationship-based, with compassion and trust front and centre which treats children, young people and families as equal partners – upholding their rights and accountable to the communities it serves.  It is imperative that the National Care Service ensures that it is easier for children, young people and families to access the support they need when they need it.

As the consultation closes today, we look forward to reading submissions of our partners and membership bodies and will release supporting statements over the coming days.

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